The Bible: God's Living Truth

I was reading this article and it all of a sudden, hit me, all over again, just from reading the first couple paragraphs: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” –Hebrews 4:12, NKJV.

The Word of God, the Bible, the Book I read every day, is alive and active. But, this Book was written centuries ago, way before our time of technology and the culture that we live in today. Yet, God had people write the words down that are found in the Bible, and they still apply to us today. I knew this, but reading this article made me realize that the writers of the Bible were simply writing what God told them to, by the Holy Spirit. Did they know that what they were writing would not only apply to the current events of their time, but it would apply to us, reading it in 2019? Did they ever think that years and years after they’ve passed, that the words that they wrote would have an impact on believers now? Did they wonder how this text would apply to future generations, or did they understand that what God said will be?

When I read the Bible now, I’ve never really thought about the fact that it was written so long ago, during the times of amazing miracles, and when Jesus walked on the earth, and when Paul journeyed in Asia. That all of the events I read about happened centuries ago. Maybe that’s how God wanted it; maybe He wanted readers to read and be amazed by who He is and how He works instead of being worried about timeframe. Maybe he wanted writers to also recount of His amazing grace, just judgements, and never-ending love to remind us—and future generations—that time does not exist in His presence. Since He is “I AM WHO I AM” [see Exodus 3:14], doesn’t that mean His Word is eternal, too? Doesn’t that mean that it doesn’t matter when it was written? God knew ahead of time that readers of 2019 would read about the Red Sea parting (Exodus 14) and marvel at His goodness, allowing His people to escape unscathed by the unrelenting hunt of the Egyptians. He knew that when He caused the miracle of the dry land and the walls of the river to happen, that I would read it and know that He is good. This is one of the first miracles written in the Old Testament, and God knew that the Israelites reaction three days later would be similar to our reaction when things start to not go our own way (Exodus 16). 

He taught the Israelites the lesson of trusting Him for all their provisions, which means that’s something God wants us to learn, as well. If we lack something on a physical level, God wanted us to learn to turn to Him first and foremost for even our basic needs, however, He is also more concerned about the heart. Are we bitter? Selfish? Complaining? If so, we need to allow God to change our hearts, and then He will most definitely provide for our felt needs.

That same lesson that He taught the Hebrew nation way back when, way before kings and judges ruled the land, before prophets rose up, before the coming of Messiah, is the same lesson that we can learn if we’re open to Him and His Word. So yes, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, NKJV), which tells me that all He wants me to learn is found in the words of the Bible. He established writers ahead of my time to write the words, and He already planned out every circumstance and situation in the Bible to be used for every circumstance and situation in today’s world. God knew what would be “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) when He did the signs and miracles, and used prophets and disciples to share His message. Now, we are able to learn more about Him, be more like Him (by the power of the Holy Spirit), and know that He had the Bible written the way it’s written all for a reason.

Rejoice in the fact that God knows what you need to read in His Word in order to live a life that’s pleasing to Him [See Colossians 1:9-14]. Be blessed, my friends.


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