who i am

Hello and welcome to my blog! (again)

I wanted to take this first post and share a little bit about myself and who I am as a person. I'm 23 years old, and have graduated UNC Charlotte, with a degree in English and Russian. I have been a believer for most of my life, and was raised in a Christian home/background. However, throughout my journeys, I have come into contact with various denominations, and am currently a part of a Messianic community. I believe that things should be questioned (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and that the Bible provides answers for everything. I'm in the process of learning how to take the Bible for what it says, and not simply believing what people say about a certain passage. Although, people can give you good insights and guide you to the truth of what God is saying through His Word, however, I think it's important to discover truth on your own, sometimes. Some of my posts will be about various topics, and how I came to believe something because of the way I interpreted the Word of God. I would like to mention that this is a learning and growing process for me, and if you would like to take something into further discussion, you're more than welcome to leave a comment on my posts.

I'm also a people watcher/observer (in a not creepy way, promise!), and will post about my observations and/or things I've learned as a result of communicating with the world around me. These posts will most likely be mere observations, but I think certain things are essential to learning how to be a true follower of Messiah, so I will be talking about that as well.

Other than that, I also love photography and reading. I like to take as many hikes as I can throughout the year, and travel to new places, whether within the states, or traveling to a new country altogether. The first time I traveled internationally by myself was New Zealand. There, I was a part of the Chosen People Ministries and the internship they offer at one of their evangelistic places. I learned a lot about talking to people, and what it means to share your faith. I might write a longer post about that in the future, though.

Thank you for bearing with me on this journey as I take on the world with Messiah.


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