
Showing posts from June, 2023

Poland: Responding to God's Call

Since getting involved with  L.I.F.E. Ministry , I've been given the opportunity to go to Kraków, Poland, with them. While I'm very excited for this trip and have been looking forward to going and seeing what God will do during our time there, I also know and am very aware of the spiritual preparation that needs to take place, even now, just about a month before I fly out. When I was first given this opportunity, I had prayed and asked God if He wanted me to go and if so, to prepare the way.  and the Lord answered. Not only did He make a way financially and with my schedule, He also prepared my heart. When I heard a “yes” from Him, I asked Him to break my heart for what breaks His, especially since we'll be ministering to war-weary refugees, as well as those who live in Poland. Knowing that there will be numerous children as well already broke my heart. They  need  to know Yeshua! They  need  hope — and it needs to be the hope that the Messia...