
Showing posts from October, 2020

Satan is a Liar

** I wrote this during quarantine earlier this year, but the Lord reminded me of it recently, and I realized how true this still is. ** You know the phrase, "Satan is a liar," or "Fear is a liar," or something along those lines? I've heard this a lot in my life, growing up in a Christian home and community. Satan is a liar. But, you know, it wasn't until recently, that I realized how much of a liar Satan really is. I was watching a series by Chip Ingram on the " Invisible War, " and he said that Satan's first mechanism of attack is to lie. That's literally how sin entered the world: Satan lied, planted doubt, and Eve took the apple and ate ( Genesis 3:1–13 ). Who's to say he doesn't still do that? No, he does. He continues to lie and plant doubts in the minds of the children of God, and it's up to us on whether or not we want to believe him. I've decided I'm done listening to his lies, and I want to share some of th...