He Knew.

I wanna think about Jesus for a moment, before His death. Think about the fact that a couple days before His crucifixion, He knew that the crowd that adored Him just a couple days ago would reject Him. He knew that His time was coming, that He was about to do what the Father had sent Him to earth to do. Think about the fact that He knew the pain that the disciples would feel, the sorrow His mother would experience, the sins that would be forgiven. A couple days before His crucifixion, Christ KNEW. He knew that the beatings He would bear would heal us of all our iniquities. He knew that He would have to bear the sins of the world, the shame, the guilts, the brokenness of this world, yet He chose to go through with it. He chose to have the full wrath of God placed on Him, He knew He would be alone in this. He knew that mockery and disbelief would rage on in the front row viewers of those watching Him being nailed to that rugged cross. He knew, and He thought of us in the midst of it all. He knew that this would be an act of tremendous love for the whole world to see. He knew lives would be forever changed, and that people would be free because of Him. Jesus Christ knew that we would choose Him because He chose us first. He knew people will still reject His love, but He chose to do it for them too. We already rejected Him when He gave up His last breath on that cross, amazing grace opened our eyes to this love, this passion for people, this willingness to do what no one else would do, this fulfillment of His purpose, and this death on this cross is what sets us apart, forever. We are His and He is ours; what an amazing, glorious love! 


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