Loved By True Love, Forever

It seems like sometimes you're extremely confident in who you are in Christ and other days it's hard to believe that the love of God is a true, and real thing. I think that's when satan sees his opportunity to defeat you, when you're in that moment of hopelessness, BUT, Jesus has overcome! His love for you IS real and true and deeper than you could ever imagine! I think the days of despair come quickly after the days of confidence, and after the days of "Yes! I love You, Jesus! You are mine, and I am Yours!" Satan wants to bring you back to that place where you were before you received that new revelation or new realization about God's character. He wants to try to revert your mind and take away your joy. It's in those times that I run to my Father and I press even further into Him. It may be hard in that moment, but God sees the heart and He knows the feelings and situations and I believe there's a greater reward. Satan feels intimidated when we aren't intimidated by him, so he attacks our current situation or circumstance and tries to feed us thoughts of doubt, uncertainty, and hopelessness. I pray that each one of us won't fall into his devious traps; I pray that instead we will run to our Father, our Lord, the One who loves us SO much that He sent His Son to literally take YOUR place at the cross. It should be me up there; but here I am saved by the grace of God! So, run to the King when you're in the lowest place; He already knows what's going on. This is another amazing thing about the Father: He is never oblivious to your life. Even if you feel small or insignificant, HE SEES YOU. And He has decided to never leave nor forsake you! Take hope in His truth! You are and will always be noticed by the Creator! You are loved!


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